My last name is Lee, Bruce Lee
I was born in San Francisco 1940, I'm 24 right now.

I'm kidding, hahaha how can I be Bruce Lee?
My name is Johnny Hung, I was born in Hong Kong 1991 and now I'm 19...I'm old,right?

As my high school result in Hong Kong wasn't too good that I failed some subjects, therefore I couldn't get into Hong Kong's University. So me and my family decided that I should study abroad in England which is where I'm staying at the moment. Currently, I'm studying a foundation year and soon in September I would be going to university hopefully and I cannot wait for it.

Another exicting thing is I have got a quite long summer holiday that I can be in Hong Kong and spend time with my family and friends.


From left to right
1: me
2: sister
3: sister
4: brother in law
5: brother
6: cousin

The photographs above were taken in high school in Hong Kong. The people in the photos are my school mates  and the first image is a school year photo, the second image is my school football team I joined. Yes! I used to play football all the time but not anymore. I'm also getting lazier now that I don't even want to move out of my bed. The last image is few of my class mates and my teacher in the middle and me in the middle as well.

When looking back at these photos it makes me think time flies and I'm missing the old days when I was still 15/16 years old in Hong Kong, it was the happiest time of my life.
All of the pictures seem very stupid but I enjoy the life whenever I'm hanging out with my friends. I hope I can still keep the relationship with them all in the future.

    Contact me!!! IF u dare to ...